Just wanted to tell you, Nick had a great first night at his new home!
We got home around 10:15 an hour later than what we had planned on paper, (Nick had a few extra stops on the trip) Ha!Ha!
He slept most of the ride, and was a perfect little puppy every time we stopped.
We stopped in Canterbury NH where our daughter lives. He loved meeting her and her fiancé. ( they were engaged May 1 2014)
They own two beautiful Boxers(Female). Nick will meet them later one at a time.
He cried for an hour in his crate, when it was time for bed. We gave him his blanket ,kong chew toy, and sounds of the Ocean music.
He drifted off shortly after, and didn’t wake till 6:45 Am
Like I said a Wonderful Little Guy!!!
We adore him.
Our whole experience with you has been Wonderful, and we Thank, You, for that!!!
We will send updated pictures Soon.
Again, Thank You so much for everything,
Lorry and John MacLennan